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时间: 楚欣2 翻译


  Ink wash painting is a type of brush painting.Only black ink is used for the painting of basicones, in various concentrations.During the Tang Dynasty,ink wash painting gotdeveloped.Wang Wei is generally credited as the painter who applied color to existing ink washpaintings.The goal of ink wash painting is not simply to reproduce the appearance of asubject,but to capture its soul.To paint a horse,the ink wash painting artist must understandits temperament better than its muscles and bones.To paint a flower,there is no need toperfectly portray its petals and color,but it is essential to convey its liveliness and fragrance.


  2.人们普遍认为是王维将颜色加入到当时的水墨画中:该句可译为带有定语从句的复合句,主语可定为Wang Wei,谓语则是is generally credited,即“被普遍认为”也有“人们普遍认为”的意思。

  3.要想画一匹马,水墨画家必须了解马的肌肉和骨骼,更要了解马的气质:“要想画一匹马”可用to do结构来表示,即to paint a horse。“了解...更要了解…”有比较的意味,即“了解…好过了解…”,可以翻译为underetand...better than...,其中“气质”可以用temperament来表达。

  4.要想画一朵花,水墨画家并不需要完全描摹它的花瓣和颜色,重要的是传达它的活力和芳香:“不需要做某事”可译为there is no need to do,为英语中常用句型,表示“没有必要做某事”。


  孙悟空,也称为猴王(Monkey King),是中国古典小说《西游记》(Journey to the West)中的一个主要角色。在小说中,猴王从一块岩石中出生,通过道教髙人(Taoist master)的教授获得了超自然的力量。他可以将自己变成七十二种不同的形象,还可以用筋斗云代步,一个筋斗(somersault)可以翻十万八千里。孙悟空是中国文学历史最悠久的人物之一。即使在今天他依然深受中国儿童的喜爱。


  Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, is a main character in the classical Chinese novelJourney to the West.In the novel, the Monkey King was born out of a rock and acquiredsupernatural powers through instruction of Taoist master.He can transform himself intoseventy-two different images.Using clouds as a vehicle, he can travel 108,000 miles with asingle somersault.Sun Wukong is one of the most enduring Chinese literary characters.He isdeeply loved by the children in China even today.

  1.孙悟空,也称为猴王,是中国古典小说《西游记》中的一个主要角色:“也称为猴王”是主语补足语,可译为also known as the Monkey King。“主要角色”可译为main character,character为多义词,可表示“汉字;性格;人物”。“中国古典小说”可译为the classical Chinese novel, classical意为“古典的”,而classic则意为“经典的”,注意它们拼写的不同。

  2.在小说中,猴王从一块岩石中出生,通过道教高人的教授获得了超自然的力量:“从岩石中出生”可译为be born out of a rock, out of意为“从...出来,出于”,如out of sympathy意为“出于同情”。句中的“通过道教高人的教授”可译为through instruction of Taoist master。

  3.他可以将自己变成七十二种不同的形象:“变成”可译为transform into, transform意为“改变,变换”,其名词形式为transformation。“形象”可译为image。


  脸谱(facial makeup)在中国戏曲中是一种特殊的艺术表现形式。它们淸楚地展示了不同角色的外表,还有他们的性情(disposition)和道德品质。脸谱也有助于表达对角色的褒贬。脸谱有不同的颜色,如红、黄、蓝、白、黑、紫、绿、金和银。脸谱的主色象征着人物的性情。例如,红色代表忠诚、勇气和正直,金色和银色通常用于神灵。脸谱可以辅助男女演员在表演中表达情感。


  Facial makeup is a special art form in Chinese operas.They distinctly show the appearances ofdifferent roles as well as their dispositions and moral traits.In addition, facial makeups alsoserve to express praise or condemnation toward the characters.Different colors such as red,yellow, blue, white, black, purple, green, gold and silver are used for facial makeups.The maincolor in a facial makeup symbolizes the disposition of the character.For example,red indicatesdevotion,courage and uprightness, while gold and silver are usually used for gods andspirits.Facial makeups can assist the actors and actresses in expressing their feelings whenthey act.

  1.它们清楚地展示了不同角色的外表,还有他们的性情和道德品质:“清楚地” 可译为distinctly。“展示不同角色的外表”可译为show the appearances of different roles。“还有”在该句中等同于“也”,可以用aswell as来表达。“性情” 和“道德品质”可以分别译为dispositions和moral traits。

  2.脸谱也有助于表达对角色的褒贬:“有助于表达”可译为serve to express,在这里serve是“对...有用”的意思。“对角色的褒贬”可译为praise or condemnation toward the characters。

  3.脸谱可以辅助男女演员在表演中表达情感:该句可译为一个复合句,可以理解为“在男女演员表演时,脸谱可以帮助他们表达情感”,即Facial makeups assist the actors and actresses in expressing theirfeelings when they act。其中“辅助”可译为assist。