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时间: 焯杰2 中考英语备考


  ( )2. A. find B. look at C. visit D. meet

  ( )3. A. put B. placed C. took D. brought

  ( )4. A. at the first B. at first C. in the front D. first

  ( )5. A. never B. not C. / D. often

  ( )6. A. came B. comes C. put D. puts

  ( )7. A. would B. could C. should D. must

  ( )8. A. But B. Or C. While D. And

  ( )9. A. is B. was C. are D. were

  ( )10.A. as B. with C. to D. like


  1.B. 这是一个固定短语,be different from,意思是“与……不同”。

  2.C. 根据所给的词语的词义,这里用visit最合理,它在这里的意思是”拜访”。

  3.A. 英国人是把姓放在名字之后的,此处用put很生动形象。

  4.D. 这里用first做状语,表示”前面”的意思。

  5.B. 英国人的middle names 是不经常使用的,但不是不使用,所以用not 较合理。如用never的话就完全否定了。

  6.B. 这里用comes 很形象化,如用put的话,则应该使用被动语态了。

  7.C. 根据所给词语的词义可知答案。

  8.A. 根据前句“She asked if we Chinese had a middle name, I told her we didn't.”我们可以看出后面的句子很显然是一个转折。

  9.C. 这句话的主语是the other words,因此后面的系词应该用复数。并且这里是一般现在时态。

  10.D. 根据所给词语的词义可知答案。


  One day the wind starts an argument with the sun. “I'm much (1)______ than you are!”says the wind. “No,” answered the sun, “I'm much stronger than you!”

  While they are arguing, they see a man walking down the road. He is wearing a heavy(2)_____. The sun says to the wind,” Now let (3)_____ see which of us can make the man takeoff the coat, then we will know (4)______ is stronger.”

  First the (5)______ tries. It begins to blow very hard. It blows so hard that the man pullshis coat round him. The wind is (6)_____ with the man. Then the wind says to the sun, “Nowit's your (7)______. Let me see if you can make him take off his coat.” The sun (8)______ toshine on the man, soon it gets very hot! The man (9)_____ his coat. The argument is(10)______.

  ( )1. A. strong B. strongest C. strongly D. stronger

  ( )2. A. trousers B. hat C. coat D. shoes

  ( )3. A. us B. we C. ourselves D. our

  ( )4. A. whose B. who C. when D. what

  ( )5. A. sun B. rain C. cloud D. wind

  ( )6. A. happy B. worried C. angry D. sad

  ( )7. A. way B. home C. hope D. turn

  ( )8. A. began B. begins C. begin D. beginning

  ( )9. A. takes off B. takes down C. puts on D. puts down

  ( )10.A. out B. over C. on D. off


  1.D. 根据连词than可知这是一个比较级。

  2.C. 从下文中可以得出答案。

  3.A. 动词后用宾格代词做宾语。

  4.B. 根据所给词的词义可知答案。

  5.D. 根据下句“It begins to blow.”可知是风首先开始的。

  6.C. 这里是一个固定短语be angry with, 意思是”生某人的气”。

  7.D. 在风的后面肯定是该轮到太阳了。

  8.B. 全文使用的都是一般现在时态。

  9.A. 根据前句“Soon it gets hot!” 可知由于天变热了,所以他脱下了大衣。

  10.B. 由于太阳已经让那个人脱掉了大衣,所以应该是太阳获胜了。至此他们的争论也结束了。
