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时间: 焯杰2 中考英语备考

  ① It happened two days ago.这件事发生在两天以前。

  ② I met him a few minutes ago.我在几分钟以前碰到他。

  Ⅱ. before adv, prep & conj “……以前”指从那时起若干时间以前。通常与完成时、过去时等连用。还可用作前置词或连接词表时间,而ago则不能这样用。

  ① He said that he had seen her two days before.他说他两天前见到过她。(表从她说话那时起两天前)

  ② I had been fine the day before.(那天)前一天的天气很好。

  ③ I’ve seen that film before.

  ④ I never met him before.


  Ⅰ. afraid “害怕”是形容词,只能作表语,而不能作定语,后接of 短语或不定式,构成be afraid of sb. 和be afraid to do sth

  ① She is afraid of a snake. 她害怕蛇。

  ② The little girl is afraid to go out at night.

  afraid +that clause “恐怕”,是婉转拒绝别人的一种表达方式。如:

  ① I’m afraid (that) I can’t go to the party. My brother is sick. 恐怕我不能去参加聚会了。我弟弟病了。

  Ⅱ. fear “害怕”是动词,与be afraid 往往通用,但不如它常用(特别是在口语中)。如:

  ① We fear no difficulty.我们不怕困难。

  ② He feared to speak his mind.他不敢说出自己的想法。

  ③ Fearing that he would catch cold, I went out to see him.因为怕他会受凉,我走去看他。

  Ⅲ. frightened adj “受惊吓的、害怕的”可做表语,也可作定语。如:

  ① She is too frightened to move.她太害怕了不能动弹。

  ② A frightened girl is crying. 一个受惊的女孩正在哭。


  Ⅰ. after “在……(时间)之后”;


  ① He came after ten o’clock. 他十点以后来的。

  ② Two days after his arrival, I called on him. 在他到达两天以后,我拜访了他。

  ③ ‘Against’ comes after ‘again’ in this cictionary.在这本字典中‘against’ 排在‘again’ 之后。

  Ⅱ. behind 表地点时意为:在……后面、着重指位置的前后。偶尔也指时间,表按照一定的时刻而迟了的意思。

  ① The garden is behind the house.

  ② He stood behind me.

  ③ The train was behind time. 火车误点了。

  ④ You are two hours behind. 你迟了两个小时。