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时间: 焯杰2 英语备考

  She sighed, “No.”

  “Who are you?”

  Not yet trusting the tones of her voice, she sat down on the bench beside him.He drew back but she laid her hand upon his arm.A strange thrill struck him when she did so, and visibly passed over his frame; he laid the knife down softly,as he sat staring at her.

  Her golden hair,which she wore in long curls,had been hurriedly pushed aside,and fell down over her neck.Advancing his hand by little and little,he took it up and looked at it.In the middle of the action he went astray,and,with another deep sigh,fell to work at his shoemaking.

  But not for long.Releasing his arm,she laid her hand upon his shoulder.After looking doubtfully at it,two or three times,as if to be sure that it was really there,he laid down his work,put his hand to his neck,and took off a blackened string with a scrap of folded rag attached to it.

  He opened this,carefully,on his knee,and it contained a very little quantity of hair:not more than one or two long golden hairs,which he had,in some old day,wound on upon his finger.

  He took her hair into his hand again,and looked closely at it.“It is the same.How can it be! When was it! How was it!”

  As the concentrating expression returned to his forehead,he seemed to become conscious that it was in hers too.He turned her full to the light,and looked at her.

  “She had laid her head upon my shoulder,that night when I was summoned(传唤)out—she had a fear of my going,though I had none—and when I was brought to the North Tower they found these upon my sleeve.‘You will leave me them? They can never help me to escape in the body,though they may in the spirit.’ Those were the words I said.I remember them very well.”

  He formed this speech with his lips many times before he could utter it.But when he did find spoken words for it,they came to him coherently(连贯地),though slowly.

  “How was this? Was it you?”

  1.The underlined word“it”in the passage refers to“________”.

  A.her hair B.her hand

  C.his arm D.his shoulder

  2.The passage is most probably taken from________.

  A.a chant B.a drama

  C.a novel D.an essay

  3.From the passage,we can infer that________.

  A.the lady was the jailer's friend

  B.the man lived a peaceful life

  C.they hadn't seen each other for years

  D.they made a happy conversation

  4.The old man took the lady's hair into his hand again because________.

  A.the hair reminded him of his daughter

  B.he found the hair of high quality

  C.the lady had almost the same hair as he did

  D.the lady's hair worried him so much

  5.The writer attracts the readers by________.

  A.describing the changes of the relationship

  B.giving a vivid description of details

  C.using funny and humorous language

  D.presenting unpredictable consequence


  【文章大意】 这个片段选自A Tale of Two Cities(双城记)的第六章。父亲和他的女儿见面了,多年的监狱生活使老人的大脑好像什么都想不起来了。他不知道她是谁,但是他却分明感受到了她对他的依恋和发自内心的爱,她的金发也让他有似曾相识的感觉。

  1.B 细节理解题。根据“Releasing his arm,she laid her hand upon his shoulder.”可知,it指代的是前面的内容,即她的手,故选B项。

  2.C 推理判断题。这是一段关于两人相见的主人公的内心和动作的细腻描写,故应该出自一部小说。故选C项。

  3.C 推理判断题。根据“It is the same.How can it be!When was it!How was it!”以及文中反复出现的类似描写可知,两人很久没见面了,如今相见让他感到难以置信,故选C。

  4.A 细节理解题。根据“He took her hair into his hand again,and looked closely at it.”可知,他把头发又一次抓起来是为了对比,因为他觉得这和他女儿的头发很相似。故选A项。

  5.B 写作手法题。文章运用了大量的细节描写,把主人公的动作和内心想法细腻地展现出来,故选B项。


  A man sat at a metro station in Washington D.C. and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

  Three minutes went by, and a middle­aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.

  A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the money box without stopping, and continued to walk.

  A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.

  The one who paid the most attention was a 3­year­old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.

  In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected 32$. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

  No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most beautiful pieces ever written, on a violin worth 3.5 million dollars.

  Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theatre in Boston where the seats averaged 100$.

  This is a real story. Joshua Bell's playing in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment.

  The outlines were in a common environment at an inappropriate hour. Do we enjoy beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected situation?

  One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?

  6.Few people stopped to listen to Joshua Bell playing because________.

  A.people were in a hurry

  B.they were not interested in music

  C.it was too cold in the subway

  D.the performance was not good enough

  7.When children stopped to look at the violinist, their parents ________.

  A.would give him some money

  B.would stop to enjoy the music

  C.would applaud for the performance

  D.would urge them to continue walking

  8.Joshua Bell played in the metro station in order to ________.

  A.make more money

  B.practise his skills in playing music

  C.made an advertisement for his concert

  D.find out people's reaction under such a circumstance

  9.The purpose of the passage is to ________.

  A.set us to think about our life

  B.show us how to play music

  C.tell us the importance of music

  D.report a subway performance


  【文章大意】 当人们处在匆忙之中时,有多少人会为美好的事物而驻足呢?在华盛顿的地铁站,一位男士演奏了45分钟的小提琴,因正值上班时间,几乎没有人停下脚步去欣赏这美妙的音乐,可是谁又知道,这位男士是著名的小提琴手Joshua Bell呢?

  6.A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的“…most of them on their way to work.”以及下文中出现的多个描述人们行为的词可以判断,因忙着去上班而很少人能停下来去欣赏美妙的音乐,故选A项。

  7.D 细节理解题。根据文章第五段的“This action was repeated by several other children.All the parents,without exception,forced them to move on.”可知,当孩子们停下来听音乐的时候,家长们都会催促他们继续赶路,故选D项。

  8.D 推理判断题。根据文章后三段内容可知,Joshua Bell的行为是《华盛顿邮报》进行的一项实验:在像车站这样普通的地方,在匆忙去上班的这段时间,人们对于美好的东西会不会去欣赏,人们对于美好的事物是如何反应的。故选D项。

  9.A 主旨大意题。根据文章末段“If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written,how many other things are we missing?”可知,文章的目的是让人们思考人生,故选A项。