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时间: 楚欣2 作文

  The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability

  As we can see, from left to right, there is a brush, a pen and a computer in the picture,which indicates the development of the way people write with. Under each one of them, thereare two Chinese characters meaning “handwriting”. Obviously, the two characters under thecomputer are not as beautiful as the rest ones, which implies that with the popularity ofcomputer people’s writing ability has deteriorated.

  This picture brings us the question whether we are going forward or backward after thepopularity of computer. There is no doubt that our life has become much easier owing to theconveniences computer has brought. However, people have depended so much on computerthat they can hardly do things well without it, which result in the degeneration in some abilities,such as writing ability and communication ability. In this sense, computer has made us gobackward.

  Alarmed by the issue reflected in the picture, we should do something to preventourselves from the side effects of computer. As far as I am concerned, we should limit the timewe spend on computer and try to develop as many good habits as possible in spare time.

  六级作文范文:On Maintaining Honesty

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled OnMaintaining Friendship by commenting on “Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.” by Jeande la Fontaine. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

  On Maintaining Honesty

  By saying “Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer”, Jean de la Fontaine has pointed outthe importance of friendship. Nowadays, it seems that people get closer to each other by meansof the increasingly advanced communicating technologies, yet the closeness of hearts has infact been distanced. Therefore, it is high time that we should attach great importance tomaintain this precious sentiment.

  Everyone need the warmth of friendship. In good times, friendship is flowers growing fastbecause we irritate it by sharing our joy and happiness; in adversity, friendship is a dose ofconsolation since friends are always there ready to help. Also, friendship is the effectivelubricator for cooperative organizations, communities and different countries in the process ofcooperation and development.

  As friendship is so important in our life, actions should be taken to pursue and maintain it.And it involves trust and honesty in establishing and maintaining true friendship. Franknessand uprightness contribute to a good relationship. Moreover, tolerance and modesty alsohelp promote the closeness of friends. Only by doing these things will we retain our friendsand keep the lamp of friendship burning long.

  六级作文范文:Save Money or Borrow Money?




  Save Money or Borrow Money?

  Mentioning money, some people like to deposit it in the bank, while others like to consumeit in advance. Money saved by people is mainly for: buying a house; in case of emergencies ordiseases, car accidents, unemployment, earthquakes, and things like that; in case of collegeexpenses of their children; for retirement, and so on. People believe that saving money isessential to lead a comfortable life. Having money in the batik allows people to pay forvacations or expensive purchases like furniture or doctor bills cash.

  With the world entering a consuming era, many people, especially young white-collars andcollege students, choose to borrow money. In other words, they spend money in advance _ usecredit cards and pay back the loan and interest on the next payday. They argue that: first,they could enjoy the convenience of credit cards and purchase expensive goods. Second,many banks make some preferential policies on credit cards, like sending a gift or lowering yearcost which is a big attraction,

  On my personal level, I approve of saving money — in case of emergency, you do not needto turn to others for help, at least. And I am opposed to the abuse of credit cards amongcollege students. Since in most cases, parents arc their sole Vandal sources.