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时间: 思晴2 翻译



  中国矿产资源丰富,已探明的矿藏种类约有170多种,其中有些矿产只产于中国。中国石油、天然气资源非常丰富。陆上油田(onshore oilfield)分布在东北、华北、西北等地,如大庆、胜利、辽河油田等。中国的铁矿储量(iron orereserves) 约有500亿吨,是世界上几个少有的铁矿储备丰富的国家之一。中国的有色金属(nonferrous metals)储量丰富,品种繁多,有“有色金属王国”之称。实际上,从矿产资源总量上来计算,中国是资源大国。但是因为中国人口众多,人均资源占有量不及世界平均水平的一半。话题原文:

  中国矿产资源丰富,已探明的矿藏种类约有170多种,其中有些矿产只产于中国。中国石油、天然气资源非常丰富。陆上油田(onshore oilfield)分布在东北、华北、西北等地,如大庆、胜利、辽河油田等。中国的铁矿储量(iron orereserves) 约有500亿吨,是世界上几个少有的铁矿储备丰富的国家之一。中国的有色金属(nonferrous metals)储量丰富,品种繁多,有“有色金属王国”之称。实际上,从矿产资源总量上来计算,中国是资源大国。但是因为中国人口众多,人均资源占有量不及世界平均水平的一半。


  China is rich in mineral resources.The types of theconfirmed minerals are approximately more than170 and some types of the minerals can only befound in China.China is abundant in oil and naturalgas.Onshore oilfields are distributed in Northeast,North and Northwest China etc.,such as Daqing, Shengli and Liaohe oilfields.There are about 50billion tons of iron ore reserves in China, which makes China be one of the few countries withwealthy iron ore resources.China is rich in nonferrous metals of great variety, which enjoys areputation as“the Kingdom of Nonferrous Metals”.In feet, China is a country with richresources in terms of total ore reserves.But,because of the large population, the reserve percapita is less than half of the world average level.

  1.矿产资源丰富:可译为be rich in mineral resources。

  2.己探明的矿藏:可译为the confirmed minerals。

  3.只产于中国:可译为be only found in China。

  4.铁矿储量:可译为iron ore reserves。

  5.有色金属王国:可译为Kingdom of NonferrousMetals。

  6.不及世界平均水平的一半:可译为less than half of theworld average level。“平均水平”译为average level。





  Over-packaging should be forbidden due to itswasting resources, polluting the enviromnent,endangering social interest, which will do nothingbut harm to the country, society and individuals. Weshould establish the idea of packaging simply andadvocate proper package. It's the common responsibility of society, enterprises and individualsto construct a conservation-minded society. Individuals should build up. a view of greenconsumption and advocate plain-consuming. If everyone emphasizes friendship rather thangifts, content rather than surface in social relationship, over-packaging can by no means exist.Our society should further advocate the concept of plain and reasonable consuming so as tofoster a healthy social atmosphere.

  1.有百害而无一利:可译为do nothing but harm to...。其中do nothing but意为“只,仅仅”,更有“除此之外并无其他”的意味。也可以用is of no good for来表达。

  2.节约型社会:可以有多种表达,如conservation-minded society, conservation-oriented society或resource-saving society等。

  3.绿色消费观:可译为a view of green consumption。“观点”可以用view, concept, idea等词表达。

  4.朴素消费:可译为plain-consuming。其中plain意为“朴素的,简朴的”,例如 “艰苦朴素”可译为hardworking and plain-living。

  5.重情谊轻礼品:可以理解为“重视情谊而不是礼品”,故此处译为emphasizes friendship rather thangifts。



  广告的基本功能即传达信息。如果想告诉某人某件事,你必须引起他的兴趣和注意,这是人际交往、大众传播(masscommunication)中的一个真理。将观众的注意力吸引过来,广告才能实现说服他们相信某个观点的功能。因为名人的知名度,名人广告能轻松地把观众的注意力杂乱的环境中吸引过来,让产品和广告成为大众关注的中心。本来大家并不了解的一个品牌,因为名人的关系随即受到 重视,在繁杂的信息中脱颖而出,快速提升产品的知名度。


  The basic function of advertisements is to convey information. If you want to tell somebody something, you have to stimulate his interest and attention. This is the truth in interpersonal communication and mass communication. Only by drawing audiences'attention can an advertisement convince them to believe a certain idea. Thanks to the popularity of celebrities, advertisements endorsed by celebrities can easily draw people's attention away from complex environment, thus making the products and the advertisements be the focus of the public. Because of the celebrities, an originally unknown brand will immediately be taken seriously and stand out among a clutter of information, and the popularity of the product will be enhanced in a short time.

  1.传达信息:可以使用词组convey information来表达。

  2.引起他的兴趣和注意:可译为to stimulate one'sinterest and attention,也可译为to arouse hisinterests and to draw his attention。

  3.杂乱的环境:是指当代社会存在许多让人分散注意力的事物,往往让人眼花缭乱。文中译为complexenvironment,或可译为distractive circumstances。

  4.在繁杂的信息中脱颖而出:可译为stand out among a clutter of information。

  5.提升知名度:可用被动语态译为the popularity of the product will be enhanced。






