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时间: 思晴2 翻译


  喜马拉雅山(The Himalayas)被称为“雪的故乡”,位于青藏髙原(Qinghai-Tibet Plateau)的南面,西起帕米尔高原(thePamirs),东到雅鲁藏布江(Yariung Zangbo River)大拐弯处。东西长2450多千米,南北宽200~350千米,平均海拔6000多米。喜马拉雅山由110多座海拔7000米以上的山峰组成。其中,珠穆朗玛峰(Mount Qomolangma)海拔8848米,是世界第一高峰,位于中国与尼泊尔的边界处。喜马拉雅山脉是世界上最年轻的山脉,因为它真正出现也就只有几十万年的时间,现在它还在不断地增长。


  The Himalayas, also known as "the Hometown ofSnow", lie to the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateauand and start from the Pamirs in the west to thegreat turning point of the Yarlung Zangbo River inthe east. From east to west, the mountains are over2,450 kilometers long and from south to north, they are 200-350 kilometers wide, with anaverage altitude of over 6,000 meters. The Himalayas consist of more than 110 mountainswhich are over 7,000 meters high. Among them, Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain inthe world, with an altitude of 8,848 meters, located on the border of China and Nepal.TheHimalayan range is the youngest mountain range in the world because it has only been inexistence for several hundred thousand years, and it is still growing!

  1.雪的故乡:可译为the Hometown of Snow.

  2.位于:即lie to,还可以用lie in或be located in表达。

  3.招弯处:可译为turning point.

  4.平均海拔:可译为average altitude.altitude即“海拔”。

  5.位于……的边界处:可使用词组be located on the borderof…来表达。




  Measurement, which is called metrology in ancient times, is the important foundation of social development of the modern countries' economy, science and technology. It has a long history and plays an important role in national welfare and the people's livelihood. Established in 221 BC, in the Qin dynasty, Qinshihuang unified weights and measures, and became a unified system for the measurement of milestone in ancient China. On May 20th, 1875, the signing of the convention on metric, opened up a worldwide to implement new era of modern international system of units of measurement. Based on quantum physics, research and application of modern measurement science and technology, provides more accurate modern metrology technical support for the development of human civilization. In 1999, the 21st international conference on measurement made a decision that since 2000, May 20 is for "World Metrology Day". China's propaganda theme of 2015 is in line with international theme for "measurement and light".



  思乡(homesickness)是中国人的一个永恒的话题。从古至今,无论男女,家是他们永久的港湾,思乡是他们不老的情结(complex)。正是这样的情结成为中国历代文人重要的创作题材,并以各种方式,从各种角度加以体现。是故乡,唤起了他们心灵深处最美好的回忆,在对故乡的思念中,他们又仿佛回到了那单纯无邪的童年时代,回到了母亲的怀抱,身心的创伤得到了暂时的平复,精神的空虚得到了刹那的充实,故乡成了他们终极的归宿地(ultimate destination)。


  Home sickness is an eternal topic for Chinese people. Since ancient times, home has been a permanent harbor for both men and women, and homesickness is their ever-young complex. It is such kind of complex that becomes the important theme of Chinese literati in all dynasties; they expressed this theme in various ways and form various angles. It is home that arouses the best memories in their hearts. Thanks to those memories, they feel like going back to the pure and innocent childhood and returning to mothers arms. The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily and spiritual emptiness will be enriched for a while. Home has become their ultimate destination.



  2.不老的情结:可译为ever-young complex,其中“不老的”译为ever-young,意为 “永远年轻的”。

  3.以各种方式,从各种角度加以体现:译文以人作主语,把句式从被动变为主动,并用分号将两个分句连在一起。文中翻译为the they expressed this theme in various ways and from various angles.

  4.是故乡,唤起了…:此处可用It is…that…的强调句形式。“唤起”译为arouse或bring out.

  5.回到了…回到了…:可分别译为go back to和return to,以避免重复,从而体现用词的多样性。

  6.身心的创伤得到了暂时的平复:可译为The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily.其中“身心的创伤”译为 the wounds in body and mind, “得到平复”译为get healed.


  杭州是浙江省的省会城市的政治、经济和文化中心。杭州历史悠久,是中国著名的七大古都之一。杭州也是著名的旅游城市,被誉为人间天堂(paradise),意大利旅行家马可?波罗(Macro Polo)曾称赞它为“世界上最美丽华贵之城”。位于市中心的西湖景区以其秀丽的湖光山色和众多的历史遗迹闻名中外。杭州特产众多,其中以丝绸和茶叶最受欢迎。


  Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province, is the provincial center of politics, economy and culture. With a long history, Hangzhou is one of the famous seven ancient capitals in China. It is also a well-known tourist city hailed as "the paradise on earth". Italian traveler Macro Polo once admired Hangzhou as "the most splendid and luxury city in the world". Located in the center of the city, the West Lake scenic spot is world-famous for its beautiful lakes and mountains and many historical relics. Hangzhou boasts numerous special local products, among which silk and tea are the most popular.

  1.第1句“杭州是……,是……”如依照原文采用并列结构表达为Hangzhou is the capital city of Zhejiang Province,and is…,则稍显平淡,不如将“是浙江省得省会城市”处理成“杭州”的同位语来得简洁和有层次感,译为Hangzhou,the capital city of Zhejiang Province,is…定语“政治、经济和文化”可用介词短语of politics,economy and culture来表达。

  2.第2句“杭州历史悠久,是中国著名的……之一”可用并列结构译为Hangzhouhas a long history and isone of…,但结构较松散,不如将前半句处理为状语,用介词短语With a long history来表达,使译文更有 逻辑性、结构更紧凑。

  3.第4句中的“位于市中心的”可处理为地点状语,用分词短语locatedin the center of the city来译出。“以其秀丽的湖光山色和众多的历史遗迹闻名中外”可套用be world-famous for…(以……闻名世界)的结构来表达。“众多的”可用many或numerous来表达。

  4.最后一句的主干为“杭州特产众多”,可将其作为主句,其中“特产众多”意即“有众多特产”,因此翻译为Hangzhou boasts numerous special local products.而“其中以丝绸和茶叶最受欢迎”为补充说明“特产 众多”的内容,可用among which引导的非限制性定语从句来表达,译作among which and tea are themost popular.




