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时间: 思晴2 翻译



  In modern times, Asia experienced twists and turns in its development. To change their destiny, the people of Asia have been forging ahead in an indomitable spirit and with hard struggle. Asia's development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Asian people. The people of Asia are fully aware that there is no ready model or unchanging path of development that is universally applicable. They never shy away from reform and innovation.Instead, they are committed to exploring and finding development paths that are in line with the trend of the times and their own situations, and have opened up bright prospects for economic and social development.



  中国自20世纪70年代实行改革开放政策以来,经济一直以惊人的速度发展。粮食、肉类、钢等工农业产品的产量一直在显著增长;原子能(atomic energy)、计算机技术、航空航天(aviation and aerospace)技术等方面也已经达到世界先进水平。预计到21世纪中叶,中国将基本实现现代化,达到中等发达国家的水平。目前,中国经济发展水平的地区差异较大,东部沿海地区比较发达,而西部地区相对不那么发达。中国正在进行西部大开发(Western Development Strategy),以缩小各地区的经济发展差异。


  Since China implemented the reform and opening-up policy in the 1970s,its economy has kept developing at a remarkably high speed.The output of the industrial and agricultural products,such as grain,meat and steel etc.,has been growing markedly.And the technologies of atomic energy,computer,aviation and aerospace have reached the world advanced level.It is predicted that China will basically realize modernization and reach the level of the medium-developed countries by the middle of the21st century.Currently,China’s economic level varies widely among regions.The areas along the east coast in China are fairly developed, while those in the west are comparativelyunderdeveloped.Due to this, China is carrying out the Western Development Strategy so as to narrow down the economic gaps between different regions.

  1.改革开放政策:可译为the reform and opening-up policy。

  2.以惊人的速度:可译为at a remarkably high speed。

  3.达到世界先进水平:可译为reach the world advanced level。

  4.预计:可使用It is predicted that…结构表达。

  5.基本实现现代化:可译为basically realize modernization。

  6.中等发达国家:其中“中等发达”可译为medium-developed,故该处译为medium-developed country。

  7.东部沿海地区:可译为areas along the east coast。

  8.以缩小各地区的经济发展差弃:其中“缩小”可用narrow down来表达,故该句可译为so as to narrow down the economic gaps between different regions。其中so as to意为“以便,以使”。



  皮影戏(shadow play)是中国最古老的戏剧之一。它起源于2000多年前的古长安,盛行于唐代和宋代。在中国古代,这是一个流行的民间戏曲形式,而且它是世界电影的祖先。当时,它就像现代的电影和电视一样给人们带来欢乐。表演者跟着音乐歌唱,同时控制着皮影工具。这些戏剧的内容更多是关于传统的历史戏画中。皮影戏是世界文化和艺术大家庭中的瑰宝。


  Shadow play is one of the oldest operas in China.It was rooted in ancient Chang’an over 2,000 years ago and prevailed in the Tang and Song Dynasties.It was a popular folk drama in ancient China and also the ancestor of films in the world.At that time,it brought people pleasure as modern movies and TVs do.Actors sing with the music, and control shadow tools at the same time.The contents of those plays are more about traditional historical dramas and fable stories.Shadow play is the treasure among the world’s cultures and arts.

  1.它起源于2000多年前的古长安,盛行于唐代和宋代:“起源于”可译为be rooted in。“盛行于”可译为prevail in, prevail意为“盛行,流行”。

  2.当时,它就像现代的电影和电视一样给人们带来欢乐:“当时”可译为at that time。“就像现代的电影和电视一样”可用as引导的从句来表示,即as modern movies and TVs do。“给人们带来欢乐”可译为bring people pleasure。

  3.表演者跟着音乐歌唱,同时控制着皮影工具:“跟着音乐歌唱”可译为sing with the music, with意为“跟着,随着”。“同时”可译为at the same time,还可译为meanwhile、in the meantime。“控制着皮影工具”中“控制”可译为control,常用短语为in control(控制中),out of control(失去控制)等。“皮影工具”则为shadow tools。


  长城是世界一大奇迹。现在,每年都有几百万人到长城游览。在旺季,几处最著名的景点总是让成群结队的游客挤得水泄不通。中国人修筑长城的历史久远,可以追溯到战国时期(Warring State period)。历史上,中国共修过大约20座长城。在所有这些长城中,明长城最长,达到6700公里。在当时,中国技术在世界上处于领先地位,因此明长城的结构也是最复杂的。明长城的修筑是为了抵御北方游牧民族的入侵。


  The Great Wall is a wonder of the world. Now, millions of people journey to the Great Wall each year, making its most popular sites besieged by hordes of tourists during busy season. The Chinese have a long history of building walls, dating from the Warring State period. In history, about 20 walls were built, with the wall constructed during the Ming Dynasty being the longest, extending 6700km. China was the most technology advanced nation in the world then, so the wall was also the most sophisticated in structure. It was built to ward off the invasion of nomads from the north.

  1.“长城是世界一大奇迹”翻译为“the Great Wall is a wonder of the world”。奇迹在英语中一般用wonder。在最著名的the seven wonders of the world(世界七大奇迹)中,长城也是其中之一。

  2.旺季 busy seasons旺季就是热销的季节,生意也就特别忙活,所以这里用“忙活的季节”来翻译,可以体现出译者的变通能力。淡季可相应翻译为slack seasons。

  3.成群结队 hordes of touristsHorde大群人,还可译成“a huge crowd/throng”。

  4.现在,每年都有几百万人到长城游览。在旺季,几处最著名的景点总是让成群结队的游客挤得水泄不通。Now, millions of people journey to the Great Wall each year, making its most popular sites besieged by hordes of tourists during busy season.这里要用合句翻译法,把原文中的第二句译成第一句的伴随状语。即把原文中两个有一定关系的简单句合为一个句子,且句意不变。

  5. 追溯 dating from常用来表示“追溯”的短语还有:date back to。






