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时间: 焯杰2 翻译


  雷锋常常帮助他人,是中国人民解放军(the People's Liberation Army)的模范士兵。他捐钱给贫困家庭,挽救普通人的生命,为战友洗衣服,常以各种方法帮助别人。雷锋倾其一生帮助他人。雷锋牺牲后,毛主席号召人们“向雷锋同志学习”。中国人民了解雷锋,并以他为榜样,雷锋精神永远活在人们心中。自1963年起,每年的三月五日被定为“雷锋日”(Lei Feng's Day)。雷锋精神已经影响了好几代中国人。虽然社会迅猛发展,但雷锋精神将继续在中国社会发挥重要作用。


  Lei Feng was a model soldier of the People's Liberation Army who always helped others.He gave money to poor families, saved the lives of many ordinary people, washed clothes for his comrades and often helped others in many other ways.Lei Feng has devoted his entire life to helping others.After he died, Chairman Mao called people to “learn from Comrade Lei Feng”.The spirit of Lei Feng has lived on among Chinese people, who know and respect him as an idol.March 5th has been observed as “Lei Feng's Day” every year since 1963.The Lei Feng spirit has influenced several generations of Chinese.Despite the rapid social development, Lei Feng spirit will continue to play a significant role in Chinese society.


  2.倾其一生帮助他人:可译为has devoted his entire life to helping others。

  3.永远活在人们心中:“永远活”译为live on,意为“继续存在”。

  4.被定为…日:可灵活地译为be observed as。observe在这里是“庆祝”的意思。

  5.虽然社会迅猛发展:可译为despite the rapid social development。

  6.发挥重要作用:可译为play a significant role。“发挥…的作用”可译为play the role of…。


  中国水资源地区分布不均匀。总体来讲,南方水资源丰富,北方则水资源匮乏。随着人口的增长和经济的快速发展,北方缺水的问题日益严重,解决办法之一就是跨流域(drainage area)调水,也就是南水北调工程(South-to-North Water Diversion Project)。南水北调工程包括东、中、西三条线路。东线从长江下游引水,沿京杭大运河(Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal)北送,穿过黄河下的管道,向下流入天津附近的水库(reservoir)。中线从长江的支流汉江的丹江口水库引水到北京。西线也被称作“大西线”,目的在于从长江上游引水到黄河上游。


  In China water resources are unevenly distributed.In general, water resources are abundant in the south but deficient in the north.With the increase of population and rapid economic development, the problem of water shortage in the north is getting more and more serious.One solution is to divert water from one drainage area to another, also known as the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.There are three routes.The eastern route will transfer water from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River to north along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and through a tunnel under the Yellow River, from where it can flow downhill to reservoirs near Tianjin.The central route is from Danjiangkou Reservoir on the Han river, a branch of the Yangtze River, to Beijing.The western route, also called the Big Western Line, aims at diverting water from the headwaters of the Yangtze River into the headwaters of the Yellow River.

  1.分布不均:可译为be unevenly distributed。

  2.水资源丰富:可译为water resources are abundant。


  4.跨流域调水:可译为divert water from one drainage area to another。

  5.下游:可译为lower reaches。

  6.大西线:可照字面直译the Big Western Line。
