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时间: 焯杰2 翻译



  At present,the large and medium-sized cities in China that issue regulations to prohibit smoking in public account for 45.7 percent.From the experience of some cities,we can see the effect is not obvious and there is even a trend that prohibition cannot stop smokers.Many smokers are indifferent to regulations of prohibiting smoking and they continue to smoke facing the sign of“no smoking”.As living pressure increases,it is worth thinking how to create an environment with no smoking in such a complex situation.The nationwide“smoke-free”activity is not only a protracted campaign,,but also a fight to protect people's health.Thus,all people need to work together to fight against smoking.

  1.制定禁止吸烟法规:可译为issue regulations to prohibit smoking in public。其中“禁止吸烟”实际指的是“禁止在公共场所吸烟”,故翻译为prohibit smoking in public。汉语的含义有时比较隐晦,需要在充分理解原文的基础上进行翻译。

  2.视法规而不顾:可译为are indifferent to regulations。其中“视…而不顾”可以理解为“对…漠不关心”,故使用be indifferent to来表达。indifferent意为“不关心的,满不在乎的”。

  3.依然我行我素、吞云吐雾:可意译为continue to smoke,既简单又能防止因错译、漏译而失分。


  当前,随着构建社会主义新农村步伐的推进,“大学生村官"(college-graduate village officials)已成为热门话题。不少髙校毕业的大学生走进农村,他们在新农村的建设中做出了重大贡献。大学生到农村任职,对新农村建设起着积极的推动作用,对大学生自己来说更是一种锤炼。这将对当代大学生人生目标的追求和行为价值产生积极作用,同时也会使已“走马上任”的大学生村官们对自己所肩负的社会责任和使命更加认同。


  Nowadays,with the furthering of a new socialist countryside construction,college-graduate village officials have become a hot topic.Many college graduates go to rural areas and have made great contributions to the construction of a new socialist countryside.Working in villages can promote construction of new rural communities and it is also a kind of training for college graduates.It will exert a positive effect on college graduates'goal for life and behavior value.At the same time,it will also enable the college-graduate village officials in office better identify the social responsibility and mission on their shoulders.

  1.随着构建…:可译为with the construction of…

  2.做出了重大贡献:可译为have made great contributions。

  3.大学生到农村任职:可简单译为working in villages。

  4.对新农村建设起着积极的推动作用:可译为promote construction of new rural communities,即“促进新农村建设。”

  5.已“走马上任”的大学生村官们:可译为the college-graduate village officials in office。其中in office意为“在职的,在位的”。

  6.肩负的社会责任和使命:可译为the social responsibility and mission on their shoulders。
