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时间: 楚欣2 英语四级作文



  This is a funny but enlightening cartoon: a teachergives his student a test of basic skillsin math; to his surprise, the girlresponds/answers, “Sir, wait a second. I’ll check it with themath app on mymobile phone. Then I’ll give you the result.”


  Apparently, this picture can be naturallyassociated with the over-dependence on socialmedia: if students intend toacquire adequate skills in study, it is not advisable for them tocompletelydepend on electronic tools. In contemporary society, it has become a trend forahost of youngsters to use various media in study. Meanwhile, an increasingnumber of teenagersfind it rather convenient and efficient to solve problemswith the help of these tools. Taking alook around, we can notice a great manystudents like the girl in the cartoon. However, it isthese social media thatdo not enable students to build up enough ability, experience and skillstodeal with problems independently. (举例2:A case inpoint is the student in the picture.) As amatter of fact, intelligentpeople in large numbers have come to realize the negative impacts ofelectronicequipment on students’ learning.


  Asa college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsterstoenhance our ability/quality to solve problems independently. Thus, teachersshould educate,advocate and encourage their kids to cultivate this awareness. Dobear in mind: socialmedia are just our tools. (245words)