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时间: 焯杰2 阅读理解



  A) the final goal and the means by which it can be reached are known

  B) perfect solutions to a problem can be found

  C) any one decision at any point along the way to the goal can bring numerous possible results

  D) both A and C

  32.The final goal of designing a lens is ____.

  A) to trap the opponent's lenses

  B) to focus light with lenses

  C) to hand make lenses at low cost

  D) to reflect light by means of curved surfaces

  33.After the passage the author will talk about ____.

  A) the principles of designing lenses

  B) techniques of making contact lenses

  C) the design of photographic lenses

  D) styles of lenses

  34.Which of the following words cannot be used to describe today's lenses?

  A) More delicate. B) Cheaper. C) Numerous. D) Unpopular.

  35.Lens designers today ____.

  A) have a large source of help to fall back on B) receive a low salary

  C) are less respectable than those of the past D) are not decisive in the lens design


  31.答案D。见文章第一段四至六句,相似之处在于最终目标以及达到目标的手段都是 明确的,只是在任一环节上所作的任何一项决定都可能导致无数个结果。

  32.答案B。见文章第三句“创造镜片时,设计者试图‘捕捉'光线,他们迫使源自物 体某个点的所有光线穿过一组曲度准确的透镜,结果光线集中在影像的一个点上。”

  33.答案C。第一段的最后一句说“ this article will be concerned only with the design of photographic lenses”,故C正确。contact lenses隐形眼镜。

  34.答案D。第二段第四句说“另外一些其设计有百年之老的镜片现在可以大批量生产 且造价低廉。”根据此句可推出现在的镜片还保持着传统,但并不能推出它们是“不受欢迎 的”。故答案是 D。

  35.答案A。依据是第二段的第一句话。 B,C和D文章没谈到。decisive果断的。
