Quality Sleep "Rescues Memories"
Even facts "forgotten" by people during a busy day may be retrieved if this is followed by agood night's sleep.
Researchers from the University of Chicago asked volunteers to remember simple words. Manyfound their memories letting them down1 towards the end of the day, but the followingmorning, those who had slept well could recall much more .
Researchers, writing in the journal Nature2, said the brain could"rescue"lost memories duringthe night.
When the brain is first asked to remember something, that memory is laid down in an "unstable "state , meaning that it is possible that it could be lost. At some point, the brainconsolidates those it deems important into a" stable ", more permanent state. However,theChicago researchers suggested that it was possible for a" stable "memory to be made "unstable"again. This would mean that memories could be modified then filed away again in theface of new experiences.
The 12 volunteers tested in the experiment were played words created through a speechsynthesizer which were purposely difficult to understand. Initially, the written version of theword was available , but afterwards the volunteers were asked to identify the word from theaudio version only. Tests revealed that the ability to recall the right word tended to tail off3 asthe day ended.
However, when the volunteers were retested after a good night's sleep , they were able to recallsome words that they had" forgotten"the previous evening. Dr Daniel, one of the studyauthors, said:"Sleep consolidates memories, protecting them against subsequent interferenceor decay. Sleep also appears to'recover'or restore memories. "He said :" If performance isreduced by decay, sleep might actively recover what has been lost. "
Dr Karim Nader, from the Department of Psychology in McGill University in Montreal,said:"Memory research is undergoing a transformation — no longer is memory thought to be ahard-wiring of the brain, instead it seems to be a process of storage and restorage. "
Sleep helps some memories"mature"and also prunes out unimportant memories.
Ⅰ. True or False:
1. Researchers asked volunteers from the University of Chicago to remember simple words.
2. The 12 volunteers tested in the experiment played word games.
3. The volunteers can see and hear the words first, then they can hear them only.
4. Sleep makes memories powerful, protecting them against later harm.
Ⅱ. Question:
Who compares memories with the process of storage and restorage?
Ⅰ. 1. F 2. F 3 . T 4 . T
Ⅱ. Dr Karim Nader, from the Department of Psychology in McGill University in Montreal.
睡眠质量高, 单词记得牢
如果晚上睡个好觉, 即使白天由于忙碌而“遗忘”的一些事情也可以重新回忆起来。
芝加哥大学的研究者们要求志愿者们记住一些简单的单词。到了晚上, 他们中的许多人对自己的记忆力都感到失望。但是第二天早晨, 那些睡得好的人能回想起来更多的单词。
研究者们在《自然》杂志发表论文说: 大脑可以在晚间“修复”失去的记忆。
当大脑最初被要求记住一些东西时, 那段记忆处于一种“不稳定的”状态, 这意味着它很可能会丢失。在有些时刻, 大脑会将那些它认为重要的记忆强化为“ 稳定的”状态, 也就是更持久的状态。然而, 芝加哥大学的研究者们提示说“ 稳定的”记忆也可能会转变为“不稳定的”。这就意味着当遇到新的情况时, 记忆可能会被修改, 随后重新排列。
参加试验的12 名志愿者收听了通过语音合成器产生的特别难懂的单词。刚开始还给志愿者提供单词脚本, 但是后来就要求他们仅仅通过声音来辨别单词。实验显示: 一天快结束的时候, 准确回忆单词的能力随一天的渐近结束而减弱。
然而, 当志愿者们睡了个好觉过后再次接受测试的时候, 他们能够回忆起一些他们前一天晚上已经“ 遗忘”的单词。
这篇论文的作者之一丹尼尔博士说: “睡眠可以巩固记忆, 防止它们随后受到干扰或衰减。睡眠看来也可以‘重新发现’或恢复记忆”他说:“如果记忆功能因为记忆力衰退而降低, 睡眠可以有效地恢复丢失的记忆。”
蒙特利尔市麦基尔大学心理学系的卡里姆· 纳德博士说:“ 记忆力研究正在转型———记忆不再被认为是大脑的硬件, 而似乎是一个储存和再储存的过程。” 睡眠使某些记忆变得“成熟”, 同时也删掉了那些不重要的记忆。
1. let somebody down ( 使……失望) ; a down expression ( 沮丧的表情) 。
2.《自然》杂志。美国出版的科学学术杂志。世界各国的科学家都把他们的科研成果拿到那里发表, 中国大学的排行榜的依据之一是该校在《自然》杂志上发表文章数量的多寡。有趣的是, 排名越靠前的大学出国热也就越厉害, 换而言之, 中国的大学为美国等发达国家的人才培养做出了杰出贡献。
3. 零零落落地落在后头, 弄得零零落落, 渐渐变细, 渐渐减少, 渐渐消失, 如: The path tails off into thewoods. ( 小径逐渐消失在树林中。) tail 可作名词, 如: cannot make head or tail of ( 不知道是什么事情) ; close on sb.’s tail ( 迫近某人后头, 就在某人后头) ; get one’s tail down ( 畏缩, 害怕, 丧失勇气) ; get/ keep one’s tail up ( 情绪很高, 振奋, 有勇气, 有精神) ; go into tails ( 穿燕尾服等) ; keep the tail inwaters ( 兴隆, 走运) ; play at heads and tails( 扔硬币猜正面还是反面) ; turn tail ( 退走, 掉头, 逃走) ;twist the tail of ( 做出使……讨厌的事情, 触犯……) ; with the tail between the legs ( 夹着尾巴, 惊恐, 垂头丧气, 畏缩) 。