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时间: 焯杰2 翻译

  太极拳(Taijiquan)是一种中国武术内家拳(theinternalstyles of Chinese martial art)。它基于以柔克刚(the soft overcoming the hard)的原理,发端于中国古代,最开始是一种武术和自卫方式。随着时间的推移,人们开始通过练太极拳来改善健康状况、增加福祉(well-being)。练习者用意念慢慢地、轻轻地移动身体, 同时深呼吸,因此有时被称为移动冥想(meditation)。中国人通常会在清晨到附近的公园练习太极拳。  

  Taijiquan is one of the internal styles of Chinesemartial art. It is based on the principle of the soft overcoming the hard and originated in ancient Chinaas a martial art and a means of self-defense. Overtime, people began to exercise it to improve theirhealth and well-being. Practicers move their bodies slowly,gently and with thought while breathing deeply,so it is sometimes referred to as "moving meditation".Chinese commonly practice Taijiquan in nearby parks in early morning.


  如今很多人都会借助互联网在家里舒舒服服地购物,网络购物已成为人们最喜爱的购物方式之一。对于消费者来说,网络购物不仅方便,选择范围广,价格具有竞争性,而且更容易获取商品信息。对于商家来说,网络提供了更多的客户和更大的市场空间。对于整个市场经济来说,这种新型的购物模式可在更大的范围内、更广的层面上以更高的效率实现资源配置(allocate resources)。


  These days, lots of people do their shopping in thecomfort of their homes with the help of theInternet.Online shopping has become one ofpeople's favorite ways of shopping.For consumers,online shopping offers not only convenience,broader selection and competitive pricing, but alsoeasier access to goods information.For businesses,the Internet brings in more customers and offers alarger market.For the entire market-oriented economy, this new type of shopping method canallocate resources with greater efficiency on a broader scale in a more extensivedimension.


  目前,全球变暖是一个热门话题,但是有关全球变暖的各项证据似乎还有些不同的声音。人们现在已经知道,地球的发展经历了很多周期(cycle),尽管在历史上还未出现过像今天这样的时代,即高度工业化(industrialization)产生如此多的污染。全球变暖主要是由于二氧化碳气体(carbon dioxide)的增多。


  Global warming is the hot topic around the world atthis time but, there is also dissention about theevidence being presented to support the argument.The earth is known to go through cycles; althoughthe past has never produced an age of so muchindustrialization causing the pollution currentlybeing experienced. A major source of the problemis the increase in carbon dioxide levels.