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时间: 楚欣2 翻译

  The arts flourished during the Tang Dynasty. Poetrybecame an integral part of the Chinese culture.Learning poetry was a must for those who wanted topass the imperial examination. Some of the greatpoets in Chinese history lived in this time, such as LiBai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei. While the Tang Dynasty is worldwide famous for its poetry, otherart forms also became very popular during this period. Many forms of literature took shape,including short stories and history novels. Painting was also very popular oxid many famouspainters arose in this era.

  李白是中国唐代著名的诗人之一。他因杰出的写诗才能,被赋予诗仙(Poetic Genius)的称号。他的大部分诗写于唐朝兴盛和衰败时期。他是中国历史上最伟大的诗人之一。李白一生都过着流浪的(wandering)生活。他有才华,但没有机会施 展。他很失望,心里愤愤不平。他必须通过喝酒和写诗来获得乐趣。然而我们可 能不得不感谢他悲惨的政治生活,否则我们将会失去一笔诗歌上的巨大财富。

  Li Bai was one of the celebrated poets in the TangDynasty of China. He was endowed with the title ofPoetic Genius for his brilliant talent in writingpoems. Most of his poems were produced in the riseand fall period of the Tang Dynasty. He is one of thegreatest poets in the history of China. Li Bai lived a wandering life all his life. He had talent butno opportunity to use it. He was very disappointed and resentful. He had to attain fun bydrinking wine and writing poems. However, maybe we have to thank his miserable political life,or we will lose a great fortune in poetry.

  华佗是中国东汉(the Eastern Period)和三国时期(theThree Kingdoms Period)著名的医生。他擅长各个医学领域,尤其是外科手术。他被后人称为“外科圣手”(SurgeonMaster)”和“外科鼻祖(Founder of Surgery)”。他是一个受过良好教育的人,熟悉古典文学。然而,他拒绝了高官的推荐,决定做一名给老百姓治病的医生。他在开处方和治疗疾病方面技术精湛。此外,他的名字总是和外科手术相联系,因为他被认为是中国第一个外科医生。

  Hua Tuo was a renowned Chinese doctor during the Eastern Han Dynasty andthe Three Kingdoms Period. He was good at all fields of medicine,particularly at surgical operations. He was regarded as the “Surgeon Master” and the “Founder of:Surgery”,He was a well-educated man and was familiar with classical literature.However, he refused the recommendation by high officials,and decided to become a doctor to cure the diseases of the common people. He was highly skilled in writing out prescription and curing illness. In addition,his name is always mentioned in relation to surgeiy, as he was considered the first surgeon in China.